Thursday, November 27, 2008

Parade preparations.....

So, what are the preparations for that huge production, the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade? One thing that happens is that the balloons are inflated along city streets in the upper west side of Manhattan the Wed. before turkey day. It all takes place on the streets around the Museum of Natural History, and many people--like myself--come out to see the balloons. I actually haven't been out for this in years, but caught it all this year. It took 2 hours to get through 2 blocks, but I saw plenty of balloons!


Macy's Star

Ronald McDonald

Hello Kitty

Energizer Bunny


It was so worth the wait to get these pictures! I did not go to the parade today, rather watched from the warmth of my apartment in my pj's. I spend Thanksgiving with my friend Pattie and her wonderful family on Long Island. It was a really special day!



I want to reflect for a bit on what I am truly thankful for. I am so blessed to have rich, full, and unconventional life. I live in the best city in the world, love what I do for a living, have a great extended family and the means to visit them for extended stays, and an eclectic and diverse group of friends. My life has taken a different path than I expected, but I am fortunate to have a rich full life. I am also extremely thankful that our country will soon be under new leadership, and that I can once again feel patriotic. I look forward to what's to come!

Happy Thanksgiving to all!!

Publish Post

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A new beginning....

It's been a long time since I've posted--I sort of got busy, then just forgot all about it. I have been very wrapped up in all the Election happenings lately. I am so happy with the results!

I have been an Obama supporter from the beginning. I know that many people feel he's the "lesser of 2" or whatever, but I think he is just what we need right now.

It was exciting to watch history being made last night. Being a NYer who was front and center during 9/11, as well as a former Peace Corps Volunteer and avid traveler (not tourist, traveler), I look forward to seeing how Obama deals with restoring foreign relations. I did not like the feeling of being embarrassed about my government when I met new people in other countries. Last night I felt a sense of relief--of excitement, actually. On any levels. I was wonderful to see history being made and knowing that I was a part of it. Hearing and seeing all the excitement on the streets of NYC--the city that I love--was awesome! It's great to finally have a man in office that my innner city students can relate to, even if in some small way. They feel more empowered today.

Enough of the sopabox--off to dinner with co-workers and back to work for open school night.
