Ronald McDonald
It was so worth the wait to get these pictures! I did not go to the parade today, rather watched from the warmth of my apartment in my pj's. I spend Thanksgiving with my friend Pattie and her wonderful family on Long Island. It was a really special day!
I want to reflect for a bit on what I am truly thankful for. I am so blessed to have rich, full, and unconventional life. I live in the best city in the world, love what I do for a living, have a great extended family and the means to visit them for extended stays, and an eclectic and diverse group of friends. My life has taken a different path than I expected, but I am fortunate to have a rich full life. I am also extremely thankful that our country will soon be under new leadership, and that I can once again feel patriotic. I look forward to what's to come!Happy Thanksgiving to all!!
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